If your company performs excavation work in the community, there may be archaeological material in the ground. Examples include loose objects or shards, as well as a variety of structures and traces, such as waste and embankment layers, mottles or wells. These are valuable. They tell the story of Heerlen's history. To ensure that this history is properly recorded, archaeological research may be necessary. This depends on the location and area combined with the excavation depth. 

When is research needed?

The lower limits for conducting archaeological investigations are shown in the table below. Using these lower limits combined with the archaeological value Maps on the data house website , you can determine if archaeological investigation is necessary.

Value CategoryExpectation/valueLower limit (depth and extent)
1National monuments; sites of very high value; legally protectedpermit application to the State (RCE) in accordance with the Monuments Act
2Sites of very high value40 cm -Mv and 100 m²
3Areas of high expected value40 cm -Mv and 250 m²
4Areas of medium expectation value40 cm -Mv and 2500 m²
5Areas of low expected value40 cm -Mv and 10000 m²
6No expected valueNo duty to investigate


Email us: erfgoedloket@heerlen.nl.