Opening coffee shop

Do you want to start a coffee shop? Strict rules apply Requirements These are included in an operating permit and a toleration statement. You can request these from the municipality.


The mayor announces in the Municipal Gazette of Heerlen when a coffee shop license becomes available.
In that announcement, we also give the information about the application procedure. 


Rates 2025

  • €1674.10 for a Smart and Headshop
  • €1697.60 for a Coffeeshop


In Heerlen, there is room for up to two coffee shops. These two places are already occupied. We are not taking applications at this time.


You are applying for an alcohol-free catering operating licence with a toleration statement to be allowed to sell hemp and hashish. Heerlen is participating in the Closed Coffee Shop Chain Experiment. Only regulated hemp and hashish from growers designated by the minister may be sold in the coffee shop and under strict Requirements .


The municipality will decide on your application within 8 weeks of receipt. This period may be extended once.

We consider the content of the application in order of drawing lots. You must take into account carrying out a Bibob investigation

Objection and appeal

You can object to the decision on your application. Do this within 6 weeks. Do you then disagree with the decision on the objection? Then file an appeal with the court.