Facts and figures Heerlen

Facts, figures and statistical research are indispensable for making our policies. We keep figures and data on population numbers, number of households, age groups and so on, but also on such things as education levels, employment and safety. Or our residents' satisfaction with policies.

Key figures

The municipality Heerlen, together with external parties, provides facts and figures about Heerlen such as the number of inhabitants, but also about important social topics such as income, education, safety and population. The Parkstad Limburg Neighborhood Monitor contains the figures of all Parkstad Limburg municipalities. View the figures on the websites: 

Urban Data Center

The Urban Data Center is a collaboration between CBS and the municipality Heerlen. At this center, new connections are made between all data. Think of data on inhabitants, educational level, employment and safety, youth aid, poverty or energy transition. Check out the information on the Urban Data Center website .

Internet panel

In addition to the regular surveys, the municipality Heerlen regularly uses an Internet panel. This panel consists of a group of about 1,200 Heerlen residents who answer questions about what is going on in the city and especially in their own neighborhood. Interested in participating? Then read more on our page about the internet panel.