Heerlen city newspaper

The City Newspaper informs all Heerlen residents about what is going on in our beautiful city. The newspaper is delivered to as many as 46,500 households every two months. This keeps everyone informed of the latest news and activities in Heerlen.

The next City newspaper appears:

  • Feb. 22
  • April 19
  • June 14
  • August 16
  • Oct. 18
  • December 13

Digital shipping and the NEE-NEE sticker

Would you like to receive the City newspaper and have a NEE-NEE (No-No) sticker on your mailbox? Then sign up to receive the newspaper digitally. Send your e-mail address to stadskrant@heerlen.nl. Or pick up a paper copy in the public hall of the City Office (Geleenstraat 25) or at one of the Schunck libraries. Residents without a NEE-NEE sticker will automatically receive the Stadskrant at home!

Delivery Complaints

Haven't received the City newspaper and don't have a NEE-NEE sticker? If so, please report this via e-mail: stadskrant@heerlen.nl.