Structural Vision 2035

The Structural Vision 2035 is a planning instrument that allows the municipality to better direct future spatial developments. The central goal of the Structural Vision is to better align spatial steering in Heerlen with the spatial tasks of the future.

This structural vision has been drawn up on the basis of an important turning point in the history of spatial development in the Netherlands. The limits of growth have been reached. A continuous period of demand for space and real estate has come to an end. 

New development issues are now primarily concerned with how to deal with existing real estate and vacant space. The spatial tasks for the future will much more often involve existing real estate instead of new construction and will be characterized by terms such as: flexible, temporary, sustainable and small-scale. The role of the municipality is also changing. Heerlen must make the transition from a testing to a facilitating government. Not redeveloping everything itself, but above all enabling initiatives from entrepreneurs, market parties and residents, with the desired spatial developments in this structural vision as a starting point.

Four themes in structure vision

These transition tasks run like a thread through the structural vision. In terms of content, the structural vision focuses on four themes: Vital City, Central City, Innovative City and Surprising City.

Vital city

The Vital City theme paints a picture of residential neighborhoods in 2035. On the one hand, we want to focus on fewer dwellings, but especially on dwellings with more quality and variation. This means no more large-scale construction of new housing developments, but working to break through the monotony of some neighborhoods. On the other hand, we want to continue to offer good facilities. This can sometimes mean that a facility disappears from the neighborhood when the catchment area for that facility becomes too small. In those cases, we focus on forming strong facility clusters in neighborhoods and city districts.

Central city

In the Central City theme, we describe how we can strengthen Heerlen's role as a center city in the region. Important spearheads are a compact core shopping area with a complete and varied range of stores, the realization of a Smart Services Campus and the strengthening of the urban residential environment. Culture in all its facets is an important binding factor.

Innovative city

In the Innovative City theme, we indicate how we can deal differently with urban development tasks in the face of changing circumstances. The reuse of existing real estate and the release of space after demolition play an important role. Moreover, we want to connect global sustainability issues with local transition tasks. Heerlen's ambition is to be a climate-neutral city by 2040. That is a city in which processes surrounding living, working and life do not contribute negatively to climate change.

Surprising city

The Surprising City theme describes how we can make existing cultural-historical and natural qualities more visible and tangible in the city. By integrating the preservation of these values into local transition tasks, places and buildings with which people feel connected will acquire new meaning. The result of this transition is a surprising city in which the "Story of Heerlen" is expressed.

Together with stakeholders

Many parties contributed to this Draft Structural Vision. Stakeholder meetings were organized on three different occasions. During these meetings, entrepreneurs, residents, educational administrators, welfare workers, volunteers, care partners, housing associations, market parties and co-governments (Province and Parkstad Limburg), were given the opportunity to proactively provide input into the process.


The Heerlen 2035 Structural Vision was finally adopted by the City Council on July 7, 2015.