Adult education grant

Residents who have difficulty with language, math or computer handling can attend adult education.

The municipality Heerlen purchases adult education from the ROC VISTA College Taal+. A small group of other providers may also apply for subsidies for their teaching activities. Each year you can apply at two times.


Fill out the application form. But first read the policy rule carefully (see laws and regulations).

Send the completed form:

  • by mail to municipality@heerlen .nl to cluster education
  • or by mail to Team Policy Economy: Cluster Education, Postbus 1, 6400 AA Heerlen


Adult education helps residents of South Limburg on their way to an independent position in society and the labor market. Providers of educational activities for adults can receive subsidies. The activity must meet the rules to receive the subsidy.


There are conditions on the target group, the activity and on the application. 

The main conditions are:

  • The activity is for adults from South Limburg who do not (or no longer) have a civic integration obligation and whose language, math or computer skills are not yet at the level of MBO 3.
  • The activity is in the Dutch language. Has a minimum of 6 participants with the goal of permanently improving basic language, math and/or computer skills.
  • The activity is new to the applicant's offerings. And the activity has yet to start at the time of grant award. 

Municipalities and ROC VISTA College Language+ cannot apply for a grant. However, they may be in a partnership of which one of the parties submits the application.