Employer Counter
Are you an employer looking for employees? werkgeversservicepunt is happy to help you.
Call or email us:
tel: 045-5605332
e-mail: werkgeversservicepuntparkstad@heerlen.nl

It Werkgeversservicepunt Parkstad is there for companies and institutions in Parkstad Limburg, who find corporate social responsibility important. As a partner in business, we are happy to work with you to give substance to your sustainable personnel policy.
As an employer, do you have a question or want advice in the area of inclusive employment analysis, inflow, advancement and outflow of staff, subsidies or sustainable placement of people with a distance to the labor market? Then contact the service point.
Job coaching
You can also contact the service point for all questions regarding vacancies, work placements or subsidies. Are you hiring a new employee from a Social assistance benefit ? Then a job coach can be deployed. The job coach can support the new employee with the induction or guidance on the work floor. Job coaching is always result and solution oriented and in consultation with the employer and the employee.