Solar panel project Park City

Solar panels are an easy solution for people who want to generate renewable energy for their homes. More than 1,500 Heerlen households had the opportunity from 2017 through 2022 to have solar panels installed with a loan from municipality . Participation is no longer possible.

No impact on current participants

Current participants of the solar panel project will not notice anything about the participation stop at the end of 2022. The service and maintenance agreements made will simply remain valid for the remainder of the contract term of all project participants.

Volta Limburg remains our service provider and will take care of collecting loan repayments. For questions around repayment, please email or call 088-027888.

Volta Solar is responsible for service and maintenance. Report faults via e-mail or tel. 088-0237480. Your contract states that your panels will be cleaned every five years. You must request this yourself via .

For general questions or complaints about Volta's services, please contact

I am going to sell my house, now what?

When selling your home, there are two options:

  • The loan is repaid in one lump sum, allowing the resident to own the solar panel system and possibly take it with them to the new home. Later on this page, you can read about how to make interim repayments;
  • The contract (and/or loan) under the project will be taken over one-to-one by the new owner of the property. To convert the contract to a new owner, You must complete this form. Once you have completed the form, a mutation contract will be sent to Volta Limburg's financial department based on this information.

Interim redemption

Based on Article 9 of the agreement, it is possible to make a penalty-free interim repayment. The repayment must be at least € 1,000. Should you wish to make use of this possibility, you can deposit this amount to: NL93 RABO 0125 5370 42 in the name of Volta Limburg, stating your name, address, zip code and city. Your repayment amount will then be deducted from your loan and the monthly repayment amount will be adjusted automatically.

Installing solar panels yourself? 

Although the municipal solar panel project has stopped, there are still attractive ways to purchase solar panels through a commercial provider. For favorable financing, you can currently use the National Heat Fund. You can request several quotes and choose the installation company or initiative that suits you best. Most providers also give you the option of using the heat fund.

Monuments and protected cityscapes

The installation of solar panels is generally permit-free. On monuments and in city and village conservation areas, however, there are rules for this. In these cases, an environmental permit must be requested and submitted to the Spatial Quality Commission. Your request may be refused if the committee is of the opinion that it is not desirable on your home.