AED and civilian responders sign up with CPR Network

An AED is a device that helps in the event of cardiac arrest. The community has AED devices hanging in several locations. Check out the Heart Foundation's site for more information on AED devices.

During cardiac arrest, the AED delivers electrical impulses. This should cause the heart to start beating again. If someone can be resuscitated within 6 minutes, there is a good chance he or she will survive.


For those interested who do not yet have a valid CPR certificate, the municipality offers a number of free courses. We do this together with our partners. It involves a CPR course, with the use of an AED.
Register as a volunteer via After completion, Hartveilig will take care of registration with Hartslagnu.


In the event of cardiac arrest, it is important to have an AED nearby as soon as possible. The 112 center calls citizen aid workers to go directly to the victim or to get an AED. A Citizen Aider is a trained volunteer who is registered with Hartslagnu. They are on call in the event of a cardiac arrest in the neighborhood. The Citizen Aider is sent a code to open the AED cabinet.

We are always looking for citizen rescuers (volunteers) who can perform CPR in an emergency.
You can also participate in the CPR Network. You do this by purchasing an AED and registering it with the CPR Network.
The cost of purchasing an AED cabinet is paid for by the municipality.


As a volunteer you must meet a number of Requirements to fulfil:

  • you are at least 18 years old
  • you have a cell phone