Proof of Dutch citizenship

Sometimes you need to prove that you have Dutch nationality. To do so, apply for a certificate of Dutch citizenship. You can do this at municipality where you are registered.


Rates 2024

  • €12.30 - if you apply online and pay with iDEAL.
  • €19.60 - if you apply in writing or at the counter.

Please pay by pin.


At certain times you have to prove that you have Dutch nationality. For example, when you move abroad. Or when you get married. Or when you apply for a job as a civil servant. You will then need proof of Dutch citizenship.

You apply for the proof of Dutch citizenship at municipality. You will then receive an extract from the basic registration of persons (BRP).


The conditions for applying for proof of Dutch nationality are:

  • You have the Dutch nationality.
  • You are registered at the municipality where you request the certificate. 
  • You request the extract yourself or authorize someone to do so.


The proof of Dutch citizenship does not have a fixed period of validity. The organization that needs the proof determines how long ago it may have been issued.