Construction homes corner Francis Road/Molenberglaan in full swing

Alderman Marco Peters , along with future residents, performed the official act for the construction of seven homes on the corner of St. Franciscusweg/Molenberglaan on Thursday, March 13. These are seven detached homes in the 1930s style.

The site, located right behind Bernardinus College, has lain fallow for years. It was first used for allotments. Construction started last October and completion is scheduled for the end of this year. The homes are energy efficient and have a heat pump and additional solar panels.

Alderman Marco Peters of Spatial Planning:
"The realization of housing is top priority in Heerlen. The construction of these characteristic homes is a great example of infill. Especially in our neighborhoods where we find empty spaces for housing construction and add quality. There are also plenty of these opportunities in other places throughout the city. We hope to show more of that in the coming years!"

Michiel Werkhoven of Zuidvast Projects:
"These are beautiful homes in a beautiful location. At the start of construction, not all homes were sold. But now every house has a proud owner. And so you see. Quality always sells".