The omgevingswet
The new omgevingswet went into effect on Jan. 1, 2024. This law deals with the space in which we live, work and relax: our living environment. You will have to deal with the Omgevingswet when you want to change something in your living environment. When you want to build a new driveway, for example. Or if, as a business owner, you want to expand your business premises.
If you want to change something in your living environment, you are a so-called "initiator. This means that you must then see whether you need an environmental permit or a notification. This can be done online in the digital environment counter. For more information beforehand, you can visit the municipal counter of the municipality.
Impact on permits issued
Everyone who submitted a permit application before the implementation date of the Omgevingswet, we treat and grant under the current legislation, the WABO. The (construction) inspections during construction are also carried out under the WABO. We are happy to help if you have any questions about your plan.
With the start of the new Omgevingswet , the conditions, deadlines and rules with which a permit application must comply are changing. For example, new plans will include consideration of impacts on, for example, health, safety, sustainability and climate. The law also requires an initiator to coordinate her/his plan with the environment where it will be implemented. This may take extra time or involve extra work.
Learn more
Would you like more information about the Omgevingswet? Check the website of the Rijksoverheid or the website of Aan de slag met de Omgevingswet.