First meeting of citizens' council starts

On January 11, the first meeting of the citizens' council will start in Heerlen. During this citizens' council, 136 randomly selected residents will discuss the theme of liveability within our municipality. This starting meeting is all about providing explanations and setting frameworks. Participants can indicate themselves on which subtopics they want to give advice.

The meetings

After the first meeting on January 11, four more meetings will take place. These are scheduled for:

  • thursday evening january 30th
  • saturday february 22 
  • thursday evening march 13 
  • saturday march 29 

On the last date, the closing meeting, the citizens' council will make a final decision on which advice they want to transfer to the municipal council. The mayor will then accept the citizens' advice and share it with the municipal council.

Reflection of Heerlen society

By the end of 2024, we invited 10,000 Heerlen residents to the citizens' council. More than 550 residents registered. When all registrations were received, we inventoried whether a good draw could take place. An important condition is that the citizens' council will be a reflection of Heerlen society. And that was successful. The distribution of men and women, young and old, education levels and distribution across the districts is perfect.

Mayor Roel Wever :
'I am pleased that we have managed to reach so many different Heerlen residents and that they have registered for the citizens' council. This shows that the involvement is high and that our residents have an opinion about the theme. I am therefore very curious about their advice.'


If the municipal council has decided to adopt the advice of the citizens' council, a group of participants of the citizens' council will continue to monitor the implementation of the advice. The Audit Office of Heerlen will also investigate later this year what the municipality has done with the advice of the citizens' council.