Suitable locations for new charging stations: give your opinion!

The number of electric cars in the Netherlands is rising rapidly. In the future, Heerlen will probably have more cars running on electricity than gasoline. And we can already see that electric driving is becoming increasingly popular. That is why we are developing a future-proof public charging network that grows with the demand for charging stations.

Interactive Map

Between now and 2030, there will be more and more public charging stations in our municipality. They cannot just be everywhere. We have made an interactive Map with possible suitable locations for charging stations based on (technical) requirements and starting points. But: are these selected locations really suitable? We want to know that from you! Of course, you know your street and neighborhood best.

Not everywhere at once

On the Map you can see that sometimes we propose multiple charging stations in one place. At this point, it is not certain that all those charging stations will actually be there between now and 2030. Because we always place new charging stations based on expectations and data that tell us how often the existing charging stations are used. If we see that a charging point is used a lot, a new charging station will be added. Otherwise, it doesn't.

Nevertheless, we do ask you now to respond to all potentially suitable locations. By working together now to establish this Map up to and including 2030, we do not have to keep looking for suitable locations. And so we can take action quickly, now and in the future. In this way we can ensure a future-proof network that grows with the demand for charging stations.

Responding and thinking along: this is how it works!

You can comment on the interactive Map until Sunday, April 6. Each potentially suitable charging station location is marked on this with a green dot. Do you see a spot where you think a charging station should indeed be installed? Or a spot that you think is not suitable? Click on the dot and give your opinion! You can respond to as many locations as you like.

Learn more

Still have questions or want more information? Then watch a short animation in which we explain how the interactive Map works.