Major joint security check around Moon Quarter

A large-scale security operation was carried out yesterday in the vicinity of the Maan Quarter. This was done by the police, municipal boas and supervisors, State Police, NS Safety and Service, Arriva Safety, AVIM (Alien Police Identification and Human Trafficking) and LX (Police National Expertise and Operations Unit) under the leadership of the municipality. In the comprehensive operation, they combined powers, knowledge and experience to check all travelers and visitors. The goal was to firmly tackle nuisance behavior and criminal activity in the area. They also conducted preventive searches. 

As an important public transportation hub, the Maankwartier and surrounding area has many travelers and visitors every day. Unfortunately, a small portion do not know how to behave and cause a nuisance. Or engage in criminal activity in the area. The municipality and police work together daily with NS and Arriva to tackle this nuisance. They also regularly organize large joint checks, as they did yesterday.


The proceeds from this day of action: 

  • 81 People traveled without a valid ticket, 
  • We handed out 19 fines for nuisance, 
  • 1 Person without valid residence status was detained
  • We detained 1 person. 
  • We did not find any (stabbing) weapons during the preventive search.

Mayor Wever: "The Maankwartier is a lively and for Heerlen important area where many travelers come daily, people store and visit restaurants, work and live. That is precisely why I think it is important that everyone, from young to old, always feels welcome and safe here. In any case, we work hard at that every day. But large joint inspections naturally give an extra boost. That is also why I am so pleased with all the help and efforts of the many cooperation partners, such as the specialist units of the police and the security staff of NS and Arriva. It was not the first action, but certainly not the last either!"