Heerlen among national leaders in culture
Heerlen opts for culture with social significance, by repurposing monuments, music and dance in schools and large and small events for everyone. In the Benchmark culture (based on CBS research) Heerlen has risen from third to second place nationwide. We have surpassed the city of Amsterdam and Rotterdam.
Alderman Jordy Clemens :
'We believe in culture as a link between people. The source of pride and an important way to let everyone, young and old, participate. We introduce thousands of children to heritage and culture. We have one of the largest theatres in the Netherlands in our city and we have inextricably linked culture to urban development. That has become the Heerlen way of working. This classification underlines its success.'
Heerlen invests together with its partners, such as the Province of Limburg, for example in the Roman Museum, a city pool in a national monumental church and Filmhub Royal Theater. In recent years, the city has gained fame as the street art capital of the Netherlands and together with residents we went in search of our past via Heel Heerlen Graaft. Examples of quality are also the exhibition about Warhol in Schunck and Cultura Nova, the largest performing arts festival in the Netherlands.