Heerlen improves digital services with track-and-trace system
The Municipality of Heerlen is taking an important step in digital services with the launch of a track-and-trace feature for municipal services and products. By logging into a resident portal, residents can easily track their application. Residents who use Pupil Transport may be the first to use the new feature in the coming period. After an evaluation, we will decide after the summer which other municipal services and products we will expand the feature with.
Track-and-trace of requests
The resident portal offers a track-and-trace feature. Residents can easily and quickly track the progress of their requests. This feature allows you to quickly and easily check the status of your application at any time of the day. This makes the processing of applications not only faster, but also clearer. Of course, calling and emailing are still allowed.
Pupil Transport
The first start in the rollout of the resident portal is a pilot for Pupil Transport. Each year the municipality receives 800 applications for Pupil Transport. Now, residents often have to call or email to get updates on progress. The portal makes this process faster, easier and more open. The new digital feature also fits well with the digital preferences and skills of this target group.
Easy service of high quality
Alderman Services Casper Gelderblom welcomes the introduction of a track-and-trace feature in Heerlen services. Residents have been asking for this for a long time.
"The municipality is there for the residents. That is why it is very important that our services are as accessible as possible. And in line with modern services as people experience them in society. The introduction of track-and-trace is a great example of this!"