Job search assistance

Job seeker registration

If you are not yet registered with the UWV you must first register via the UWV website . For this you need DigiD. After your registration, you will receive an e-mail confirming your registration within 48 hours. 

WSP Parkstad

WSP Parkstad is the ticket office for residents of municipality Heerlen for help with job search. The goal is to help you find gainful employment with personal attention and guidance. The first step is to explore your possibilities during a personal interview. If the interview reveals that you are immediately employable, WSP Parkstad will look for a suitable job. If you have more difficulty in finding a suitable job or do not yet have the right work experience, it may be possible to follow a course through WerkvoorHeerlen.

For a personal interview with WSP Parkstad, contact customer service at 045 566 66 00. If you have applied for welfare benefits, WSP Parkstad will automatically contact you.

Check the WSP Parkstad website for more information.