Help for victims of the benefits scandal

Are you a victim of the benefits scandal? The municipality will help you make a fresh start.


The help that the municipality provides is in various areas of life: finances, housing, work, health and family. We discuss with you what help you need and what suits you best.
With broad support, we start from your current situation. We look at what you need to make a new start.

The broad support is without obligation and you or your child can request or stop it at any time.


The municipality's assistance is free.


The Tax Authorities made mistakes in reclaiming and terminating childcare allowance. This is known as the allowance affair.

Are you a victim of the benefits scandal? Then you will get money back from the Tax and Customs Administration. In addition, you can get help from the municipality.

Because of the benefits affair you may have problems with debts, income, Health and the upbringing of children. The municipality can help with, for example:

  • contact with the Tax Authorities
  • finding solutions to debt
  • balancing your income and expenses
  • problems with your administration
  • health problems
  • psychological problems
  • help for your family
  • looking for a training or a job