Walk-in meetings Hoensbroek-Centrum

On Monday afternoon 6 January from 14:00 to 17:00 and on Tuesday evening 7 January from 18:00 to 20:00 we are organising walk-in meetings for Hoensbroek-Centrum. We are offering an additional opportunity to contribute to the development perspective Hoensbroek-Centrum 2034. Interested parties can then go to SCHUNCK in the Hoofdstraat with questions, ideas, suggestions and proposals.

At various times in the past year we have had conversations with residents, entrepreneurs and other interested parties about the future of the living room of Hoensbroek. The ideas, suggestions and proposals that resulted from this we will include as much as possible in the vision that we are creating for this.

Alderman Marco Peters (Restructuring): “Together we are making Hoensbroek-Centrum! We are developing the centre into the place where people do their shopping and live, but at the same time it is also a real living room with a place for Hoensbroek culture. We need each other very much for that.”

If you have any questions about these meetings, please send an email to hoensbroekcentrum@heerlen.nl