Heerlen believes that young heroes and heroines aged 8 to 18 also deserve a ribbon. That is why we regularly award special children or young people with a youth ribbon. We also call this youth ribbon a koelpietje.
Anyone can apply for such a young hero or heroine. The municipality looks at who gets the coolpietje.


Fill out the application form and send it in or mail it to municipality@heerlen .nl
You will hear whether your candidate will receive the Heerlen Youth Medal. We may also contact you for more information. The preparation must remain a secret for the youthful hero or heroine. Parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters help keep it a secret until the time comes.


Just like for adults, Heerlen organizes a party for children and young people aged 8 to 18 who have done something special for other people, for animals or for our city. During that party, we award the Heerlen Youth Ribbon to the child or young person.

We continue to award Kulpietjes. Do you also know someone who deserves a youth ribbon? Then sign him or her up!


The hero or heroine is between 8 and 18 years old. Examples of special acts of heroism:

  • Doing something good for others or for our city
  • Always being there for someone who is sick
  • volunteer
  • organizing something fun at school or for the neighborhood
  • help someone in need
  • save an animal
  • (sports) champion turned
  • ....... another extraordinary act of heroism

Or are you looking?

Ribbon applications