Applying for royal honors (ribbon)
A royal decoration is a recognition of someone's special work for society. You nominate someone to the municipality where that person lives. Please use the application form for this purpose.
This is how you apply for a ribbon for someone else:
- Complete the form as completely as possible. Gather as much information as possible about your candidate's good work. This is important because it helps determine whether your candidate will receive an award. Consider: additional information or letters (on original letterhead with a "wet" signature (and company logo) from supporters.
- Turn everything in to the municipality. You will hear whether your candidate will receive the ribbon. Due to the lengthy procedure, this takes several months.
A person can earn a ribbon for personal special service to society. This can be volunteer work, but also a paid main position or a combination of both. You nominate someone to the mayor. You cannot apply for a royal decoration (ribbon) for yourself.
Do you know someone, who deserves public recognition? And would you like to receive an explanation of the procedure? Then send an email to the Cabinet of the Municipality of Heerlen. You will also receive advice on whether the merits qualify for a ribbon.
A royal decoration (ribbon) is a recognition of personal special work for society.
The presentation of a ribbon is during:
- the ribbon-cutting ceremony on the last working day before King's Day
- another special occasion related to the reason for the ribbon (such as a farewell or anniversary)
The conditions for receiving a ribbon are:
- The person you are nominating has personally performed special services to society until recently, for example:
- In volunteer work (with minimum duration of 15 years and one day per week of time commitment.) or
- Special merit during paid work. For example, in the field of sports, art, culture, nature or a board position or
- Special merit during informal care with a minimum of 20 years and 2 1/2 days per week of time commitment (first degree).
For informal care to relatives in the second degree, a minimum of 10 years and 2 ½ days per week of time commitment applies. Deviations are possible on the basis of customization.
- At least 3 people support the application. They write a letter stating why the candidate deserves a ribbon;
- The activities add value to the community;
- There must be a clear time commitment;
- The candidate may not receive (fixed) compensation for these activities;
- The candidate must be of impeccable conduct. For this we make inquiries with police and judicial authorities;
- The time between the end of activities and the application should not exceed 1 year. Sometimes we make an exception.
- Would you like to have the ribbon awarded during a special occasion? Apply for the ribbon 6 months in advance. To do so, you must submit the complete application.
- Would you like to have the ribbon presented during the ribbon ceremony? You must nominate someone before June 1.