Requesting cadastral data

The Land Registry keeps all kinds of data on all buildings and pieces of land in the Netherlands. For example, who the owner is, where the property boundary is and whether there are cables in the ground. You can view this data on the Kadaster website.


This is how you request cadastral data:

  • You choose the right product on
  • You fill in the requested information.
  • You pay immediately online via iDEAL.


The Land Registry keeps records of different types of property, such as:

  • real estate (land and buildings)
  • ships
  • aircraft
  • cables and pipes underground

Among other things, you can get the details of a building or piece of land from the Land Registry. This way you can check:

  • Who the right holder is (e.g., owner or leaseholder)
  • What the nature of the plot is (e.g. house with garden or pasture)
  • what the area of the plot is and what it looks like (for example a Map or map)

Want to know which environmental plan applies to your neighborhood? Then check the municipality's site or the Omgevingsloket.

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