Applying for wage subsidy

Employers can apply for a wage subsidy for employees who receive welfare benefits and have a work limitation. You apply for a wage subsidy at municipality.

The amount of the subsidy depends on the employee's wage value.


Are you applying for the grant for a young person? Do this within 6 months after the young person is no longer in education. This can be secondary special education, practical education or the MBO entrance course.

Here's how to apply for a wage subsidy:

  • Please contact the municipality


The wage subsidy is especially for people with a reduced wage value due to a work limitation, but who do have job opportunities. These individuals are unable to earn 100% of the legal minimum wage due to the work limitation.

You get wage subsidy over the difference between a person's wage value and the legal minimum wage.
The municipality determines the wage value at the workplace.


The main conditions are:

  • The person must belong to the target group.
  • The person cannot earn the legal minimum wage with full-time work.
  • The person has employment opportunities.
  • You get the wage subsidy if an employment contract is concluded for at least 6 months and for at least 12 hours per week.
  • The person lives in this municipality.
  • You have not filed the same application for the same person within 12 months.