Over 500,000 euros left for first-time home buyers

To make buying a first home easier, the municipality of Heerlen introduced the starters' loan in 2021. This is an additional loan on top of the mortgage provided by a bank. Currently, there is still over 500,000 euros available for starters in Heerlen to take advantage of this scheme. In addition, the maximum purchase price for this loan has been increased to 280,000 euros, allowing more starters in the Heerlen housing market to benefit from the starters loan.

"In Heerlen, we have the ambition to grow. By 2050 we want to have grown to 100,000 inhabitants in terms of population. Then it is essential that we make the city even more attractive to new residents. And in this case for starters on the housing market. The starters loan offers an excellent opportunity for starters in Heerlen to make their dream of owning their own home come true. With over 500,000 euros still available, we can financially support several starters and help them realize their first place to live in Heerlen. In this way, we not only offer financial support, but also contribute to Heerlen's growth ambition," said Casper Gelderblom, alderman for housing.

Favorable loan

The starters loan is a special loan with favorable benefits to buy your first home in Heerlen. For example, you pay no repayment for the first three years and the loan has a term of thirty years with a fixed interest rate for the first 15 years.


To qualify for the starter loan, the home must cost a maximum of 280,000 euros. The starters loan is a maximum of 56,000 euros. The loans are provided by SVn (Stichting Stimuleringsfonds Volkshuisvesting Nederlandse gemeenten). The starters loan can only be applied for after permission from the municipality. One receives an allocation letter from the municipality if the conditions for the starters loan are met. With this letter the loan can be applied for at SVn.

For more information about the starters loan and the application process, interested parties can visit the starters loan page or the SVn website . If the budget for the starters loan runs out, no more loans can be issued.