Operation Stone Break

Do you live in Heerlen and want to make your stone garden greener? Or do you dream of a garden full of beautiful flowers and plants? And would you like it to be cooler during hot summers? Or do you want to do something against global warming and stop the rainwater running into the sewer system? Then remove 6 to 12 square meters of tiles or gravel from your yard. In exchange, you will receive free plants and gardening advice through "Operation Stonebreaking. Together we can achieve a lot!

Throw out your tiles, put in greenery! In exchange, we'll give you free plants and gardening advice. Because a green environment is better for rainwater harvesting and animal life. The garden is less hot and more beautiful, too!

Sign up or more information

How does it work?

  1. Sign up for the action through the Steenbreek website .
  2. An appointment will be made with you to look at your needs together; for example, what plants would best suit your garden and design.
  3. You can choose from several plant packages after this advice. They are sufficient for planting at least 6 square meters and up to 12 square meters of greenery.
  4. You will receive the plants during a set delivery time. The date will be communicated to you in advance.