Parkstad working together on Future Vision for Living, Welfare and Health

Under the title "Everyone a Home," the Parkstad municipalities and their collaborative partners in the areas of housing, welfare and Health are embarking onaan de slag met de Regional Future Vision for Housing, Welfare and Health. This vision, which focuses on the principles of a "fair share" and inclusive neighborhoods, is the basis for a joint approach to the major social challenges of the coming years. Provided it is approved by all the colleges, the municipal councils and partners involved, the broad partnership will start aan de slag met de the vision into concrete plans as early as this year.

Park City tackles challenges in housing, wellness and Health together

Parkstad has emerged as one of the lead regions as part of the national program "A Home for All. This program aims to provide enough affordable housing for all focus groups. "In Parkstad, with this vision, we are taking an important step toward a region where everyone can live with opportunity, in neighborhoods where inclusivity and caring are paramount," said Alderman Casper Gelderblom on behalf of all partners involved. "Our principles and choices offer a clear direction. We cushion the aging population with lifelong housing, and counteract the hyper-concentration of vulnerable groups everywhere by fairly spreading and stacking where possible."

Next 15 years especially growing demand for housing with Health for elderly people 

Research shows that demand for housing with Health for the elderly will grow significantly over the next 15 years. This study by Companen also looked at existing housing in Parkstad. It shows that as many as 28% of the current homes are not yet suitable for the elderly, but could be made suitable. That percentage, incidentally, varies by municipality, from 18% in Heerlen to 42% in Beekdaelen. Making existing housing suitable for the elderly provides space to release or build housing for other groups of house seekers. This principle of life-proof housing aligns with the desire of many residents to continue living independently for as long as possible, with Health and support where needed. Promoting innovations, such as modular housing and shared facilities, further contributes to this objective.

Guiding principles: inclusiveness, distribution and collaboration

One of the core principles in the vision is the so-called "fair share" idea, whereby focus groups are distributed evenly across municipalities, neighborhoods and districts. This aligns with the national goal of "balanced distribution" and the regional ambition to avoid hyper-concentrations of vulnerable groups. This gives all neighborhoods in Parkstad the opportunity to remain resilient and vital.

In addition, inclusiveness is central: the vision seeks neighborhoods where people, regardless of background, health or income, feel welcome and can participate in social life. Collaboration between municipalities, housing associations and Health and Wellness organizations is a key to achieving these goals.

Adopt joint Future Vision first step toward implementation

The adoption of this Vision of the Future by all partners involved in the first quarter of 2025 is a first step toward the implementation agenda in the third quarter of this year. 


In addition to all Parkstad municipalities, housing, Health and welfare organizations worked hard on this vision, including: Stadsregio Parkstad Limburg, HEEMwonen, Vincio Wonen, Weller, Wonen Limburg, Wonen Zuid, Woonpunt, Krijtland Wonen, ZOwonen, Vanhier Wonen, ROH Parkstad, Welzijnsgroep Parkstad Limburg, NOVIzorg, Loket Housing, Mondriaan GZZ, Philadelphia Health, Leger des Heils, MeanderGroep Zuid Limburg, Cicero Zorggroep, Radar, Sevagram, LEVANTOgroep, CZ care office.