PLT and municipality Heerlen take sustainable step with more than 300 solar panels

PLT and the Municipality of Heerlen are jointly taking an important step towards a greener future with the successful installation of more than 300 brand new solar panels on the roof of Theater Heerlen. This initiative, made possible by the company De Zonspecialist, marks a significant milestone in the municipality's ambitious efforts to reduce its ecological footprint.

Sustainability theater

This innovative upgrade allows Theater Heerlen to use generated energy during the day, reducing its own ecological impact. In addition, the roof of Theater Heerlen not only features solar panels, but also has vegetation on the roof. This helps reduce heat stress and promote biodiversity. This green addition underlines the multifaceted sustainability efforts of the theater and the municipality, integrating ecological and climate-related aspects in the pursuit of a greener future for the city and its cultural heritage.

Officially in use

On Wednesday, April 10, the new solar energy system was officially inaugurated by real estate and environmental alderman Casper Gelderblom, together with theater director Janine Dijkmeijer. This moment symbolizes the joint efforts of PLT and the municipality of Heerlen to strive together for a more sustainable future for our city and its performing arts.

Alderman for Environment & Real Estate of the municipality of Heerlen, Casper Gelderblom, emphasizes the importance of this step: "Making sustainability one of the biggest tasks of our time. It is important that the municipality sets a good example with our own real estate. Placing solar panels on the theater, a jewel of our city, is an important step in the right direction. That direction is clear: an even more social and sustainable Heerlen!"

According to theater director Janine Dijkmeijer, the new solar panels symbolize PLT's commitment to a greener future. "We cherish the quality of life for our community and strive to minimize our impact on nature and the climate. This is a step forward in our goal to unite culture and environmental awareness, with a view to a bright and sustainable future for all."

Photo on homepage: Luc Lodder