Council and committee meetings

The City Council meets according to a certain monthly cycle. First are three committee meetings and the last Wednesday of the month the public council meeting. Council meetings are generally open to the public. You can attend the meeting, watch it live from home or listen to it afterwards. You also have the opportunity to speak during a meeting.

View agenda, documents or meeting?

For meeting dates, agendas, meeting documents, committee and City Council meeting minutes or the live stream or recording of meetings, check the Administrative Information website. 

 To administrative information

Expressing your opinion (speaking up)

You can share your views with the council in several ways: 

  • Through the speakers' quarter on a proposal on a council committee agenda. You do need to register in advance with the registry. This is possible until just before the start of the committee meeting. You have about five minutes of speaking time.
  • The speakers' square allows you to inform committee members about a current and urgent social topic or issue that is not on the meeting agenda. Please note: please register with the registry no later than 24 hours before the start of the meeting. Again, you will have approximately five minutes of speaking time.
  • By submitting a citizens' initiative, which you can then explain at a council meeting. The rules for this are in the citizens' initiative regulation. 

Sign up at the registry

Would you like to give your opinion during the council information evening? Or do you have questions about council or committee meetings, for example? Then contact the registry.
Visiting address: Raadhuisplein 1, Heerlen

  • Teun Zwemmer (registrar): 045-5604411 
  • Camiel Bartholomé (MW and ROLO committees): 045-5605035
  • Alexandra van der Weijden (EBF and civic engagement committee): 045-5605068