Advertising on building

Do you want to add advertising to your building? Then apply for an environmental permit through the online Omgevingsloket.


This is how you apply for an environmental permit to place advertising:

  • Go to the Environment Counter.
  • Do the permit check.
  • You will see if you need a permit. You can apply for the permit right away.
  • Log in.
  • Among other things, you pass on:
    • drawing or drawn-in photograph of the location of the advertisement
    • photo, drawing or description of the advertisement
    • how great the advertising is
    • how long the advertisement is shown


The costs for the permit are subject to fixed standard amounts. You can find these amounts in the 2025 fee regulation


Do you want to place advertising on or on your building? If so, you may need an environmental permit. It depends mainly on how conspicuous the advertising is and where and when you want to place it. Do you not need a permit? Report the advertising to the municipality.

Sometimes you have to pay taxes to the municipality for advertising. There are then 2 types of tax:

  1. Precario tax. This is tax for using a piece of land belonging to the municipality. For example, the sidewalk.
  2. Advertising tax if the advertising can be seen from the public road.


You must apply for an environmental permit for advertising if it involves:

  • a large billboard
  • moving advertisement
  • illuminated advertising
  • advertising in the center
  • advertising for a long time


The municipality will decide on your application within 8 weeks. Is this not possible? Then the municipality may extend this period 1 time.

Objection and appeal

Do you disagree with the municipality's decision? Then you can file an objection. By doing so, you let it be known why you disagree with the decision. Other people affected may also object. Objection must be made within 6 weeks.

Did you or someone else object to the municipality's decision? Then the municipality will make a new decision. Do you disagree with that decision? Then you can ask the court whether the municipality has made a good decision. This is called 'appeal'. Do this within 6 weeks. You can only appeal if you have lodged an objection.