Sports and games in Heerlen
In Heerlen there are many sports and you can do geocaching. In the playgrounds, children can play to their hearts' content.
Sports offerings in Heerlen are listed on the website
In addition, more and more caches (treasures) have been placed, searched and found in the municipality of Heerlen. If you also want to bury a treasure, check out the page on geocaching.

Playground season begins in April. Most playgrounds are open until October. A listing of locations with a link to the playgrounds' website or facebook page where possible:
- Maria Gewanden playground, Langstraat 29 Hoensbroek
- Mariarade playground, Rooseveltstraat 6 Hoensbroek
- Meezenbroek playground, Henri Jonasstraat 51 Heerlen
- Playground the Smidse, Kasteel Hoensbroeklaan 74a Hoensbroek
- Playground the Spelewei, Den Boschstraat 10 Heerlen
- Welten Playground, De Doom 51 Heerlen
- Playground 't Olifantje, Oude Lindestraat 57 Heerlen
- Terveurdt playground, Prof. Koopmansstraat 2a Hoensbroek
- Playground 't Heksenpretje, Heigrindelweg 70 Heerlen
- Playground 't Baanrakkertje, Tarwehof 49 Heerlen
- Playground De Rollebollebult, Mijnzetellaan 10 Heerlen