Grant for new employment through TecAlliance

To provide new jobs, the company TecAlliance receives a grant of €45,000 from the Economic Structure Enhancement Fund (FES). The condition is that at least 90 FTEs are created within three years. TecAlliance chooses the Brightlands Smart Services Campus in Heerlen because of its international location. The company wants to expand its services in Heerlen and train new personnel itself. This location also offers opportunities for cooperation with other entrepreneurs.

Alderman Martin de Beer (economy) is pleased that this high-end tech company has chosen Heerlen. "At the Brightlands Smart Services Campus, companies, students and researchers work together to develop smart digital services. That's where TecAlliance fits in very well. And new jobs in this industry make our city and region attractive to young people."


TecAlliance specializes in digitizing auto parts for dealers and garages that are not linked to a brand. This allows them to easily find and order the right auto parts. TecAlliance has offices in 22 countries and operates in 140 countries worldwide. The company has more than 8.8 million different parts from over 900 brands and series in its digital catalogs.