Supervision of construction and remodeling

Are you going to build or remodel? Then someone needs to check that you are following the rules during construction. That is why you should report in time when you start and stop construction.


This is how you report that you are starting to build or remodel or that you are finished:

  • Go to the Environment Counter.
  • Log in.
  • Please provide the start date or end date. Do you need to hire a quality assurance contractor? If so, they can provide the start date and end date on your behalf.
    • Report start date: do this at least 2 business days before you start construction.
    • Report end date: do this no later than 1 business day after you finish construction and before you start using the building.


You pay the quality assurance officer yourself. You do not have to pay the municipality's inspector.

For the costs, see the 2025 Fees Regulation


In construction, you must follow rules and agreements. Someone checks to make sure you do.

  • Sometimes that is someone from the municipality.
  • Sometimes you have to hire someone yourself to do this: a quality assurance professional. The quality assurance professional draws up a plan. This is called an assurance plan. It says how it will be built and what the building will look like.

You let the municipality know when you will begin construction and when you will be finished.

Who inspects your structure?

It depends on the structure. The structure is the building you are building or remodeling. For small structures, the quality assurance officer checks. For larger structures, the municipality does that.

How do you know if your structure is small or large? Structures are divided into consequence classes. The greater the consequences if something goes wrong with the structure, the higher the consequence class. There are 3 consequence classes: 1, 2 and 3.

Is your structure in consequence class 1? And does it involve new construction? Then you must hire a quality assurance officer. Is your building in consequence class 2 or 3, or does it involve reconstruction? Then the municipality checks.

Do you want to know which consequence class your structure falls into? Then check the Iplo website. Or do the permit check in the Omgevingsloket.

What does the quality assurance company or the municipality check?

  • Whether you are building as stated in your permit, or in the assurance plan
  • Whether you are using the building and grounds as stated in your permit or your assurance plan
  • How you are building (for example, are you building safely enough)
  • How to bring and clean up construction materials (such as boards, bricks and tools) at the construction site.

Are you not keeping the agreements and rules? Then the municipality or the quality assurance company can stop the construction. Or you will no longer be allowed to use the building.