Proud of Hoensbroek Center

Residents, business owners and visitors of Hoensbroek Centrum entered into a conversation about the future development of the area. This happened during a meeting on Thursday evening, May 16, at Amicitia. Proposals were also presented at the meeting that will show results in the short term. 

Alderman Restructuring Marco Peters: "What a great turnout! The enormous involvement and energy of this evening we will hold together to develop Hoensbroek Centrum into a center we can be proud of. We desperately need each other in this."

In recent months, discussions have already been held with key people in the center. They have clearly indicated what needs to be changed and improved. In essence, it is about making Hoensbroek Center more compact, a safe, lively and cozy center and living room where people like to stay and entrepreneurs can earn a good living. But also a center with new good complementary housing and the center as the cultural heart of Hoensbroek.

Four concrete actions

According to Alderman Peters, Hoenbroek deserves a center to be proud of. Therefore, four concrete actions have been presented that will start in the short term.

  •  Even before the summer there will be more room for activities. Thus the reuring scheme that is now active in Heerlen Centrum will also be extended to Hoensbroek Centrum. Residents and entrepreneurs with creative ideas and plans for activities that create more liveliness and encounters can report this to the municipality. They will then receive help with the organization and in some cases a financial contribution. 
  •  The municipality wants to green more facades, and realize a number of these green pearls in Hoensbroek Center. Property owners are made enthusiastic about this and are actively referred to the subsidy for green roofs and facades.
  •  A greener Gebrookerplein, but with room for the events that take place there. A rough sketch is ready for that.
  •  The Safety Center is coming to Kouvenderstraat in Hoensbroek Centrum. It is expected that negotiations with the landlord will be completed soon, and that the center can be opened by the end of this year.