Getting married in the Netherlands if you live abroad

If you live abroad, you can marry or enter into a registered partnership in the Netherlands. You report your plans to the municipality where you are getting married or entering into the partnership. If you both live abroad, you report to the municipality of The Hague.


You can report your (wedding) plans as early as 1 year before your wedding day or partnership registration. Report it no later than 2 weeks in advance. 

Do you need to apply for documents that come from abroad? Please note that 2 weeks may be too short. Health therefore ensure that you receive the documents from abroad on time.

This is how you report that you want to get married or enter into a civil partnership:


Even if you do not live in the Netherlands, you can get married or enter into a registered partnership here. You or your partner must have the Dutch nationality. You can choose the municipality where you want to get married or enter into a registered partnership.


The Requirements to marry or enter into a registered partnership in the Netherlands:

  • At least 1 of you both have Dutch nationality.
  • You are 18 years of age or older.
  • You are not married to anyone else.
  • You are not in a registered partnership with anyone else.
  • You are not too closely related to your partner. This means that your partner cannot be, for example, your father, (grand)daughter, grandfather or (half)sister. 
  • You are not under guardianship. If you are under guardianship, you need permission from the trustee or district judge.
  • The municipality checks whether you may marry or enter into a registered partnership with each other.


The declaration is valid for 1 year.