Sex business license
Do you want to start or take over a sex business? Apply for a permit from the municipality.
This is how you apply for a sex business license:
- You contact the municipality.
- You pass on:
- The details of the owner and any manager:
- the personal data
- a copy of the identification document
- the residence permit
- the address of the sex establishment
- the phone number used in advertisements
- A Statement of Payment History Compliance with Tax Obligations from the Internal Revenue Service
- A lease or purchase agreement of the location of the sex business
- possibly a situation sketch and a site plan
- a business plan
- The details of the owner and any manager:
Has your sex business been denied a license in the past 5 years? Or has a license for your sex business been revoked? If so, please indicate this in your application.
Arrange the Statement of Payment History fulfillment of tax obligations from the Internal Revenue Service with the IRS.