Renting housing to migrant workers or in the Vrieheide or Uterweg neighborhoods

Are you a private landlord? And would you like to rent a property to migrant workers in Heerlen? Or would you like to rent out a property in the Vrieheide or Uterweg neighborhoods? Then since March 22, 2024, you need to apply for a rental permit before you start renting.

Do you already rent one or more homes to migrant workers or in Vrieheide or Uterweg? If so, you have 6 months from March 22, 2024 to obtain a rental permit. You will apply for this permit from the municipality.


The rental permit costs a one-time fee of €413.30 per landlord. The number of rentals does not count.
We will process the application once you have paid.
Please pay with IDEAL.


In the Vrieheide and Uterweg neighborhoods, livability is under pressure. Furthermore, the vulnerable position of migrant workers is often abused. Therefore, you must have a rental permit if you want to rent to labor migrants or in the neighborhoods Vrieheide or Uterweg.


You must meet the following conditions

  • You follow the 7 rules of good landlordism. Read what that means below.
  • The rent you charge should not be too high:
  • You have applied for all other necessary permits. For example:
    • an environmental permit if you want to split the property into multiple dwellings or subdivide, or
    • A permit to rent out immediately after you buy a property (buyout protection).
  • You will create and implement a multi-year maintenance plan.
  • You send a copy of this plan via email to, Do this within 6 months after you have the permit. Read below what must be in this multi-year maintenance plan.

What is important in evaluating your application

  • We verify that you have not previously acted without or in violation of a required permit;
  • We investigate using the Bibob Act whether there is a serious danger that you will abuse the permit.

The multi-year maintenance plan states:

  • What maintenance you will do to your building over the next 5 years;
  • How much cost you expect to incur for that work;
  • How much money you plan to set aside each year for other than ordinary annual expenses. This after the 5-year maintenance plan period is over.

You make a separate maintenance plan for each property (subject to permit requirement). For a housing complex, you make 1 multi-year maintenance plan for the entire building. For all apartments together.

You may send the Owner's Association's multi-year maintenance plan. This plan, as well as the maintenance each owner pays for, complies with the Good Landlord Act.

7 rules of good landlordism

  1. The landlord may not discriminate against the house seeker.
  2. The landlord must not threaten or frighten the tenant.
  3. The landlord may require up to 2 months of bare rent as a security deposit.
  4. The landlord must make a written lease.
  5. Landlords must properly inform tenants about:
    • rights and duties of the tenant over the property. Even those not included in the lease
    • the amount of the deposit and when tenants will get it back if the lease ends
    • contact information where the tenant can reach the landlord
    • information about the bad landlord hotline
    • service charges: landlords must show a complete annual statement of costs
  6. The landlord only charges service fees listed in the Civil Code.
  7. The rental intermediary may not charge a mediation fee to the tenant.

Additional obligations if you rent to a migrant worker

  • You must record the rental agreement separately from the work agreement.
  • You must inform the tenant in writing in a language he or she understands.


The municipality decides within 8 weeks of receiving your application. The municipality may extend this period once by 6 weeks.

Objection and appeal

You can object to the decision on your application. Do this within 6 weeks. Do you then disagree with the decision on the objection? Then file an appeal with the court.