Healthcare fraud

The municipality Heerlen offers facilities under the Wmo and Youth Act. Sometimes care seekers, care providers and budget holders make dishonest use of money intended for Wmo and Youth Care. We call this care fraud. Do you think someone is committing fraud, or do you suspect fraud? Report this to municipality. You can do this easily, quickly and even anonymously.


Here's how to report (suspected) healthcare fraud:

  • Contact the municipality.
  • You pass on:
    • who it is about,
    • Where this person lives,
    • and what fraud is involved.


Examples of (suspected) healthcare fraud include: 

  • Not reimbursing care to which you are entitled.
  • Claiming care that the patient did not receive, but that the provider does claim (phantom care).
  • Putting patients at a disadvantage by unfairly charging co-payments.
  • Providing and claiming care without medical necessity (overtreatment), or failing to provide necessary care (undertreatment).
  • Personal Budget (PGB) Fraud. Using the budget for something other than care.

If you suspect fraud with healthcare funds, the municipality initiates a fraud investigation.