Report archaeological find

I found something in the garden and wonder what it is, how old it is and what it was used for. I think my find might be of interest to the history of the town.
Or.... I often search for historical objects with a metal detector and already have a nice collection. I would like to know more about my collection.


Here's how to report an archaeological find:

  • Contact the Heritage Counter: or
  • Stop by at De Vondst, the center for archaeology in Limburg at Raadhuisplein 20 in Heerlen.
    Usually there is an archaeologist present who can tell you how old your find is and what it was for. In any case, if you want to talk to an archaeologist make an appointment through the mail address.


The objects and things you find in the soil often tell their own story. Sometimes individual finds also make an important contribution to the city's history. Perhaps:

  • Are they shards from prehistoric times that show that people have lived in that spot for thousands of years, or
  • is about a rare coin that says something about trade and wealth in earlier centuries.

We at The Find would like to document these finds. If they are special objects, we ask you to give them to us on temporary loan. We photograph, draw and describe them. Then the object is returned to you as the finder.
In this way you add another piece to the history of the city.


Rules of the game for searching with a metal detector

Searching with a detector in the municipality of Heerlen is subject to national legal regulations. Heerlen does not have its own regulations. Especially important are the following ground rules:

  • Searching is allowed only with the permission of the landowner.
  • Searching is only allowed in the upper 30 centimeters or in loose soil (e.g., landfills, drained soil from construction pits).
  • It is not permitted to remove finds from their original archaeological layers or traces.
  • Search should not be allowed on archaeological monuments
  • Searching is not allowed on sites where archaeological research is taking place.
  • If archaeological traces or walls are clearly visible, you should contact the Heritage Counter.
  • Report finds of historical or archaeological interest to the Heritage Counter.
    Special finds must be temporarily deposited for documentation. Afterwards, the finder will get them back.

Or are you looking?

The Heritage Counter