Heritage Counter

Do you have questions about Heerlen's heritage? For example, if you find something in your backyard and wonder if it is something archaeological? Would you like to know more about monuments? Then there are many organizations you can turn to. If you cannot find it, the municipality's heritage desk will help you on your way.

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Types of heritage

Heritage is a broad term. In Heerlen, we distinguish between:

  • Archaeology: This heritage is often not immediately visible on the surface but is located underground. Through archaeological remains we learn a lot about our past, how people lived and worked in the past.
  • Monuments and special buildings: Some buildings and neighborhoods are so special to history that they are given protected status. This keeps them preserved and well maintained.
  • Landscape: The layout around settlements has been there since time immemorial. The sometimes centuries-old traces can still be found today in the form of, for example, hollow roads, graves, standard fruit orchards, border trees, braid hedges, mill and fish ponds, parks, avenues.
  • Heerlen history: Heerlen has a rich history, it is a city that is always changing and moving. By history we mean mainly the stories about the city's past, but historical objects also tell a story about the past.

Where can I find more information about heritage?

Monuments and protected town or villagescapes

Want to know if your property or neighborhood has protected status? Then check out:

Heerlen history

Looking for old photos? Or are you interested in local history? Then contact the Historical Center Limburg or one of the historical societies:

Curious about stories about Heerlen's recent past? Check out the website of Heerlen tells.

Experience Heerlen's heritage!

You can experience our Heerlen heritage at the Thermenmuseum, De Vondst, Hoensbroek Castle, Schunck, the Mining Museum and Visit Zuid-Limburg .

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