You may remove an asbestos roof yourself if it is no larger than 35m2. Is your roof larger than 35m2? Then a (certified) company must remove the asbestos. If you want to remove materials containing asbestos, you need a demolition notification. Even if you are going to do it yourself.

Would you like to report the removal of an asbestos roof or file a demolition notification? Contact Domain Space, Permits team.
You may also do the notification online through the environment desk. 


Are you going to remove asbestos? You must give at least 5 working days' notice. We recommend that you make an appointment with us for this by phone and come to the public hall. During your visit we will discuss your report and you can ask us questions. You will receive confirmation immediately if there are no details. 

You can also file a notification (officially called a: demolition notification) online through the environment counter. 


  • the demolition notification is free of charge
  • the costs of a demolition permit are stated in the 2025 fees regulation

Cost of waste

You can bring up to 35m2 of asbestos sheets free of charge to the environmental park (RD4). You must wrap the sheets in two layers of 0.2mm foil.


Which roofs are involved?

It is about asbestos-containing roofs that make contact with the outside air, for example, corrugated iron roofs of sheds. It does not involve asbestos or asbestos-containing sheets as roof sheathing, on the inside of a roof, as you see a lot in older houses.

How do you know if there is asbestos in your roof?

Asbestos was used in building houses until 1994. Do you have an older house or shed? If so, check to see if it may contain asbestos. 

How do you remove an asbestos roof? 

Strict rules apply when removing and disposing of asbestos. You must do this carefully. Inhaling asbestos fibers is risky for your health, for yourself, other people and animals. For example, if parts break off or are sawed, drilled or screwed into, you can inhale them. Still thinking about doing the work yourself? Find out in advance how to do it: for your own safety and the safety of others. For more information, visit Milieu Centraal's website . 

It is no longer possible to apply for subsidies for asbestos removal.


You may remove asbestos yourself if: 

  • you can remove the material without damage (for example, you must be able to unscrew screws)
  • the material is not damaged (must be bonded )
  • it involves no more than 35m² of asbestos-containing material
  • you have received notification from the municipality of Heerlen that your notification has been accepted


If a private individual submits a report, we handle it within 5 working days. The notification must concern work that can be done by a private individual.

For companies, a maximum period of four weeks applies. The demolition notification for work carried out by companies can be issued under certain conditions. Requirements or handle the exception within five working days.

Environmental permits (demolition) usually relate to work on monumental buildings or protected village and cityscapes. The deadline for processing depends on the environmental permit (building).

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