Accessibility and parking
Heerlen is easily accessible. Few traffic jams, direct connections, train stations close to shopping areas, free bicycle parking and plenty of parking.
By car
There are direct connections from Aachen-Antwerp (E314/A76) and Eindhoven-Maastricht (A2/A79) and via the N281. The Binnenring connects the entire Parkstad area quickly. In and around the Heerlen shopping centre there are 8 parking garages, 2 P&R facilities, 2 parking lots and over 600 street parking spaces. Plenty of choice! Do you want to go to the woonboulevard ? It also has a large parking lot with free parking spaces.
Parking locations
The locations of the parking garages are indicated from all access roads. The P&R areas can be found on the Parallelweg and the Mijnspoorweg. You can park cheaply at the Nieuw Eyckholt parking lot on the Looierstraat next to the 'Heerlen-Centrum' exit of the N281 and on a section of the Valkenburgerweg and the Spoorsingel. Parking on the street in the center costs € 1 per hour. Please note: around the center there is often a parking permit system for residents.
For rates and an overview of parking options, please visit the prettig parkeren website .
By public transportation
From Heerlen-centraal station you can walk directly through the Maankwartier into the city center. As a train passenger you can park inexpensively at the P&R at the Parallelweg in Heerlen or use the OV bikes at the station.
Travel information of the bus and train transportation can be found at 9292.
By bicycle
Heerlen has a free guarded bicycle parking lot at Akerstraat 20. There is space for 196 bicycles and electric bicycles. Battery charging stations are also available.
Opening hours bicycle parking
Monday to Saturday: 7am to 7pm.
Thursday: 7am to 9pm.
Sunday: 12:00 noon to 6:00 pm.
Free disabled parking
Holders of a valid disabled parking permit can park in Heerlen for up to 3 hours without paying. A parking disc is required.