Parking in permit area for residents and businesses

There are areas in Heerlen where you need a parking permit. Do you live in such an area or have a business there? If so, you can apply for, renew, pay, adjust or stop a parking permit online. You can also arrange parking for your visitors online.


  • Go to the municipality's Parking Counter.
  • Log in with DigiD.
  • Follow the steps.

Need help?

Are you not getting there? Do you have questions? Or do you need help? Call our customer contact center during office hours: 045 5605040. We will send you a manual.
If you have difficulty with digital things, but have a smartphone, DigiD and bank account with iDeal, the Service point at your library can help you with your application.

Visitor parking

First apply online for the 'visitor permit' product (via the pink button). Look at topic 'arrange parking products'. At the end, we will send you a report code and a four-digit PIN code by digital letter. With the report code and PIN code you report the visit on and off:

  • Go to visitor parking on the web page
  • Log in with your report code and PIN. 
  • For your first use, you must upgrade your parking credit. You can also increase your credit on subsequent visits.
    This can be done through the menu under the three bars in the upper left corner of the screen.
  • Enter the license plate number of your visit and the time your visit is coming.
  • The system itself fills in a visit duration of 2 hours. You can change this if you wish.
  • You can also cancel the visit if you leave early. That way you won't pay too much.

Scratch cards

You can use the visitor permit immediately after applying. You may still use the scratch cards as well. You will not get a refund on the scratch cards that are left over. Do not buy more scratch cards than you need.

Informal care and empowerment

For informal caregivers, you get double the number of hours of visitor parking. You need the proof WMO volunteer care for this. You may authorize someone to arrange this for you.


Rates 2024

The cost for a parking permit is:

  • € 77.40 for residents per half year
  • € 113.40 for entrepreneurs per six months

Exception is the trial in Eikenderveld: €20 per half year

Visitor parking fees.

€0.40 per visitor per hour

The exception is the trial in Eikenderveld: free of charge


A parking permit allows you to park anywhere on the street that has permit parking within your sector. A parking permit is valid for 6 months. A few weeks before the permit expires, you will receive an email asking you to renew your permit. You can apply for a maximum of 2 permits per address.

Multiple license plates on parking permit

You can register up to 3 license plates on your parking permit. Note! Only one license plate can be active.
You can add a license plate online. To do so, log in and choose 'Change' under the permit. You can activate the desired license plate by clicking the 'Change' button. Then choose the option 'add/change/remove license plate' and follow the steps.

Temporarily different license plate

Do you want to put a different license plate on your parking permit for a short time, such as because you have a loaner car? Then add a temporary license plate. You can do this online via the 'Change' button. We will activate the temporary license plate on your parking permit for one week. After that, we automatically reset the original license plate to active. Do you need it longer than one week? Then add the temporary license plate again. Please note! You may only add a temporary license plate five times per calendar year.

Permit stop

Do you want to stop your parking permit, for example due to a move? Also arrange this online . Choose 'Change' and then 'Cancel product'. If you fill in the details, we will transfer the remaining amount to your account.

Regulations for visitor parking

Every resident in the permit area can participate in the visitor scheme. Even if you do not have a parking permit yourself. Online you can create an account for this visitor scheme. From then on, you can let visitors park via a web app. Your advantage: you pay per minute, at a reduced rate, for as long as your visitor stays.

Any scratch cards?

The online visitor scheme replaces the current scratch cards. Do you still have scratch cards? If so, you may still use them. Tip: Digital visitor parking is more economical. Scratch cards work with fixed time blocks of at least 2 hours. With the digital system, you can control visiting by the minute. Therefore, it is cheaper to switch when your scratch cards run out.


Evidence for residents:

  • Lease car: Lease contract and registration certificate
  • Company car: Employer's statement and registration certificate
  • Private car in use for business: Employer's statement and registration certificate
  • Vehicle is in the name of partner or parent living at the same address: Registration certificate
  • The vehicle has a foreign license plate: registration certificate
  • The car will soon be in your name: Lease or purchase contract
  • None of the above: You cannot apply for a permit.

Evidence for businesses: 

  • Car in the name of the company: registration certificate and an extract from the Chamber of Commerce
  • Lease car: Lease contract and an extract from the Chamber of Commerce
  • Employee's own car: registration certificate and an employer's statement
  • The vehicle has a foreign license plate: Registration certificate

In case of abuse or fraud, the municipality of Heerlen may revoke the parking permit.

All information and conditions can be found in the Parking Tax Ordinance, in the Designation Decree on Paid and Permit Parking and in the Parking Ordinance.


The permit takes effect immediately once you have paid.

The municipality decides within 8 weeks of receiving your application. The municipality may extend this period once.

Objection and appeal

You can object to the decision on your application. Do this within 6 weeks. Do you then disagree with the decision on the objection? Then file an appeal with the court.