Proof of being alive or attestation de vita

Authorities may ask for written proof that you are alive. There are two types: a proof of being alive or an attestation de vita. You request these documents from the municipality in which you live or reside.


This is how you apply for an attestation de vita or proof of living:

  • You will come in person to the municipality in which you are staying.

You bring:

  • your valid ID
  • possibly the message from the authority requesting proof of living

If you are applying on behalf of another person, please bring the following: 

  • your valid ID
  • A copy of that other person's valid ID
  • written authorization from that other person


Rates 2024

  • €16.10 for a certificate of living or attestation de vita
  • free - if your pension fund requires proof of being alive

Please pay by pin at time of application.


A proof of living and attestation de vita is written proof that you are still alive. Authorities such as a pension fund or benefit agency may ask for this.

The difference between the two documents is:

  • A proof of being alive is what you use in the Netherlands. This is an extract from the Basic Registration of Persons (BRP).
  • You use an attestation de vita outside the Netherlands. This is a certificate of civil status. This is an international document.

Of an attestation de vita, you can request a multilingual model form at the same time.


  • You come in person to counter to request proof of living.
  • Are you unable to attend in person? You can authorize someone.
    We will then call you to ask questions in order to establish your identity.
  • If that also fails, you can request a home visit from an official. There is a cost and a deadline associated with this. Please contact the Civil Affairs Department.