If you want to cut or fell a tree or trees, you usually need an environmental permit. Also if you are carrying out work around a tree or wood stand that affects the health of the tree, you often need an environmental permit.


This is how you apply for an environmental permit to cut down a tree:

  • Go to the Environment Counter.
  • Do the permit check. You will see if you need to report or require a permit.
  • Log in:
    • for yourself: with DigiD
    • For a company: with eRecognition
  • Among other things, you pass on:
    • what kind of tree it is (for example, an oak or a chestnut)
    • where the tree stands with an address on it Map and with photo(s).
    • whether you want to cut or prune or work under trees
    • your reason for wanting to cut or prune
    • for a monumental tree: a tree effect analysis
    • the possibility of replanting. If you are going to replant, the location, number and species
    • if you are not the owner: written permission from the owner of the tree


Applying for an environmental permit for tree felling costs € 189.00 (2025 rate)
You will not receive this amount back if we refuse or withdraw the permit.


If you want to cut down one or more trees, you often need an environmental permit. Also if you are working under a tree and this is at the expense of the health of the tree. For example, if you dig or place heavy equipment under the tree.

Whether you need an environmental permit depends on:

  • of the circumference of the trunk of the tree.
  • and whether or not the tree is on private property.

On private land you must apply for an environmental permit from 180 centimetres trunk circumference. On all other lands this is required from 60 centimetres trunk circumference.
We protect all our trees inside and outside built-up areas.

Please note: Trees and stands of wood can also be protected by rules from the environmental plan. Outside built-up areas, the province usually has the authority.  


You are often required to plant a new tree or trees for a felled tree. This applies to up to 25 trees.
Are you unable to replant one or more trees? Then you must make a contribution to the replanting fund. The municipality will replant trees from this replanting fund.

The contributions to the replanting fund:

  • Tree on private land: €450.00
  • Tree on other land: € 3,000.00
  • Wood stand: €500 per are
  • Landscape hedge: €22.50 per meter


The municipality has 2 decision deadlines:

  • 8 weeks if there are no special situations going on.
  • 6 months if special situations do come up. That can be if it is cutting down:
    • poses a significant risk to the environment;
    • harmful to protected plants or animals;
    • harmful to natural areas.

In either case, we may extend the decision period once by 6 weeks.
Please note: You may only start cutting down 6 weeks after the permit is valid.

Objection and appeal

You disagree with the decision

  • the regular procedure
    You file an objection with the municipality. Do this within 6 weeks. If you disagree with the decision on your objection, you can appeal to the court.
    If you also disagree with the court's decision, you can appeal to the Administrative Law Division of the Council of State;
  • the extensive procedure
    In this procedure, you first give your opinion on the draft decision. Do this within 6 weeks. If they do not follow your opinion, you can then appeal to the Administrative Law Division of the Council of State.

No one responds within the 6-week appeal period? Then the permit is final.

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