Heritage Year
Heritage Year 2025
Kickoff Heritage Year 2025
The kick-off of this theme year took place on Saturday 21 December 2024. On this rainy evening, the open-air performance '50 years of mine closure: resilient forward' highlighted what the mine closure after 1974 has set in motion. Minister Joop den Uyl rose from the dead to offer his apologies and to make us a clear request; no longer hold a grudge but look - based on the lessons of the past - to what the future has to offer.
The performance '50 years of mine closure: resilient forward' can be viewed in its entirety via the YouTube channel of the municipality of Heerlen .
One year full of activities

The kick-off of the Year of Heritage leads to a year in which the most diverse activities and events make Heerlen's heritage visible or tangible again. We will continuously supplement the program throughout the year. So check the list of activities regularly. Have fun during the Heritage Year!
View the program ↓
The programme of the Heritage Year
History of the neighborhood: Zeswegen / New Husken
Date: to
Location:Six roads / New HuskenEducationOpen Shaft Weekend (March)
Date: to
Location:Mine monument Orange-Nassau IMining pastschritt_macher Festival 2025
Date: to
Location:Parkstad Limburg Theaters etc.Dance
Grant application
Do you have ideas that fit the Heritage Year? If so, you may be able to get a grant. Let us know what your idea is. Every Heerlen resident can participate. You can organize something on your own or together with an association, neighborhood organization, school or company.