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Logo of the municipality of Heerlen
Logo of the municipality of Heerlen

Heritage Year

Heritage Year 2025

In 2025, Heerlen is dominated by its rich history and promising future. After all, the place is buzzing with fascinating stories... From Roman times, the Middle Ages or from a more recent past, stories from "the cool" or the turbulent 1980s, for example. All these timelines are the inspiration for the events and activities celebrating the Heritage Year.

Kickoff Heritage Year 2025

The kick-off of this theme year took place on Saturday 21 December 2024. On this rainy evening, the open-air performance '50 years of mine closure: resilient forward' highlighted what the mine closure after 1974 has set in motion. Minister Joop den Uyl rose from the dead to offer his apologies and to make us a clear request; no longer hold a grudge but look - based on the lessons of the past - to what the future has to offer. 

The performance '50 years of mine closure: resilient forward' can be viewed in its entirety via the YouTube channel of the municipality of Heerlen

One year full of activities  

The kick-off of the Year of Heritage leads to a year in which the most diverse activities and events make Heerlen's heritage visible or tangible again. We will continuously supplement the program throughout the year. So check the list of activities regularly. Have fun during the Heritage Year!

View the program ↓

The programme of the Heritage Year

  • History of the neighborhood: Zeswegen / New Husken

    Date:   to

    Six roads / New Husken

    Students from De Wegwijzer elementary school dive into the neighborhood to unravel the history of Zeswegen/New Husken.

  • Open Shaft Weekend (March)

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    Mine monument Orange-Nassau I

    The shaft and winding building of Oranje-Nassau is rare mining heritage and fortunately part of the Dutch Mining Museum. This monument can be visited monthly.

    Mining past
  • schritt_macher Festival 2025

    Date:   to

    Parkstad Limburg Theaters etc.

    Dance festival schritt_macher is celebrating its 30th anniversary and is once again bringing top dance acts from all over the world to Heerlen and surrounding cities.


Grant application 

Do you have ideas that fit the Heritage Year? If so, you may be able to get a grant. Let us know what your idea is. Every Heerlen resident can participate. You can organize something on your own or together with an association, neighborhood organization, school or company.

Grant application

What is heritage and why is it important?

Heritage is often described as our legacy of the past, by which we live in the present. We pass this legacy on to future generations so that they too can learn from it, admire it and enjoy it. Heritage, then, is something you inherit. It contributes to your identity and connects the community. It tells something about where we come from, who we are, and how we develop. 

There is intangible heritage and tangible heritage. What is the difference?

  • Intangible heritage is heritage that cannot be touched, for example, traditions, stories, songs, rituals, languages and knowledge about ancient trades and crafts.
  • Material heritage can be touched, such as buildings, works of art and collections. Material heritage is again divided into two groups, these are movable heritage and immovable heritage. Movable heritage is movable and immovable heritage is not.

Examples of heritage include:

  • Roman bathhouse is the oldest stone building in the Netherlands
  • Developments and construction projects in Heerlen for growth and diversity of the city
  • Traditions, music and dance

What kind of initiative can I suggest?

Come up with a good idea that focuses on Heerlen's heritage and connects to the themes: Romans, Knights and Robbers, Mine Age, the Transition Years and the Future.

We call on you to spotlight your version of Heerlen. Think of family stories and anecdotes, a piece of music or your opinion about our Heritage in a debate. But also, for example, an event. Think of a dance battle in the former mine shaft, a story contest, a gabber party in the Royal or a historical walk in your neighborhood. Above all, let your creativity speak!  

Which cultural and heritage institutions are participating?

In SCHUNCK, Parkstad Limburg Theater, De Nieuwe Nor, Kasteel Hoensbroek, the Roman Museum, the Dutch Mining Museum, Filmhuis De Spiegel and the Cultuurhuis Heerlen, the story of Heerlen in 2025 comes to life. But also during our events such as the Week of Amateur Arts, Cultura Nova, Booch! and, for example, Schrit_tmacher. And educational programs for schools are also coming. These will follow around September.

Can I get a grant for an activity?

Yes, you can. There are two options. Grant for: 

  • an activity up to 1,000 euros 
  • an activity between 1,000 and 5,000 euros. 

View application information