Memorials in public spaces

A roadside monument is a memorial along the public road for a (traffic) victim who died on the spot. Roadside memorials are the initiative of relatives of the victim. You can apply for a permit to place a roadside monument along a public road.


You supply:

  • A photograph and/or drawing showing the dimensions of the monument
  • A sketch of where it will be located.


The permit is free of charge. The cost of making, placing and maintaining the memorials is for the next of kin. You also pay for the removal of the memorial.


Placing a berm memorial can be of great emotional significance to the bereaved. It makes a positive contribution to processing the loss. 


A memorial or roadside monument and its location must meet the following requirements: Requirements to fulfil:

  • Free passage must be guaranteed (sidewalks).
  • It should not lead to unsafe traffic situations. 
  • Next of kin must be able to get to the memorial safely.
  • You may not place a memorial on overpasses, in a median and refuge, or on trees, traffic signs, light poles or utility boxes.
  • The management of public space should not be hindered.
  • Outside the inhabited area, roadside monuments may be placed above ground. Dimensions may then be a maximum of 50x50x50 cm.
  • Within the inhabited area, tiles should not protrude above ground level. Dimensions are a maximum of 30x30x10 cm.
  • Materials used must withstand all weather conditions and be made of vandal-resistant material.

The permit is valid for a maximum of three years from its issuance. Remove the memorial within two months of the expiration of the term. Next of kin are responsible for maintenance of the roadside memorial. The municipality is not responsible for damage or destruction of the roadside memorial.

The following applies to memorials of a very temporary nature (flowers, letters, photos, cuddly toys) Requirements You may:

  • leaving them for up to three months after the accident
  • putting them down for a few weeks a year
  • placing them within 1m2 at the scene of the accident
  • Not placing a memorial that distracts motorists' attention too much
  • they do not lay so that parts can distract


The municipality makes a decision within eight weeks. The municipality may extend this by eight weeks.

Objection and appeal

You can object to the municipality's decision.
You must then respond within six weeks.