Converting registered partnership to marriage

If you have a registered partnership, you can convert it into a marriage. You will go to the municipality together to do this.

The registrar makes a new deed. This ends your registered partnership and begins your marriage. You are officially married after the conversion. Not all countries recognize the conversion certificate as a marriage certificate. Please check with the government of the country. 


This is how you request conversion of the registered partnership into a marriage:

  • Make an appointment at the municipality.
  • Go to the congregation together.
  • You bring:
    • your valid ID
    • the copy of the deed of registered partnership
    • A birth certificate, if name change has occurred

You only need to bring a copy of the registered partnership certificate and the birth certificate, if the name change has taken place, if this did not take place in Heerlen.


Rate 2025

Converting costs €52.45
Do you want a ceremony? Then the cost is the same as for a marriage.


To convert a registered partnership into a marriage, you sign the deed of conversion. The deed of conversion is proof of marriage. The moment you sign the deed, the partnership has been converted into a marriage. The deed of conversion is recorded in the register of marriages.

You can ask for a ceremony (for example, in the wedding hall). This does not require witnesses and you do not have to say yes. However, you will be charged a fee.

For children born before the conversion, nothing will change. However, the conversion may affect your assets. For this, you need to see a notary.