Have you found or lost an object on the street? Then you can report it online at municipality.

Have you found or lost an item in a public building or on public transportation? Report it to the manager or transportation provider.


Here's how to report a found or lost item:

  • You file a notification online. This notification is registered at municipality.
  • You will need:
    • your valid identification
    • if you lost an item: a receipt, photo or warranty certificate of the item


You have found something

  • Passport, identity card or driver's license found? Always return these documents to municipality. We destroy found travel documents to prevent identity fraud.
  • You may turn in other items to municipality or keep them at home.
    If you keep them at home, you are responsible for the maintenance and condition of the item. The legal retention period is 1 year. If the owner reports within this period, you must return the object to municipality within one week. If the owner does not report within this period, you are the owner of the found object.

You have lost something

  • Lost your passport, identity card or driving license?
    You do not have to report it to the police. You can sign a statement of loss at municipality. You can also apply for a new document straight away. You can report the loss of your driving license free of charge at the RDW.
  • Other lost and found can also be reported to the municipality. 

Or are you looking?