Discount on welfare benefits

The municipality can reduce, temporarily stop or stop your welfare benefits altogether if you do not comply with the conditions. You may also be fined. 


Employment and integration obligations

If you don't meet these obligations, municipality can reduce your benefits. We call this "imposing a measure. 

Intelligence obligation

If you do not comply with the obligation to provide information or do not do so on time, you may be fined. However, municipality always takes your situation and personal circumstances into account when assessing you.


You must meet these conditions, or the municipality may reduce your welfare benefits:

  • You abide by the agreements made regarding, for example, job search or continuing education.
  • You report any changes in your situation to the municipality.
  • You did not become unemployed through your own fault.
  • You behave toward municipal officials. For example, you do not scold them or use violence.
  • You can show that your Dutch is good enough. Or you do your best to improve your Dutch.

Objection and appeal

You can object to the decision of the municipality. Do this within 6 weeks. After that, do you disagree with the ruling on the objection? Then file an appeal with the court.

More information can be found at: Filing an Objection.